Rachael Dussuau
Deputy Associate Administrator
Estimated Net Worth
  • estimated net worth
  • salary
[#] Indicates number of lines involving "SKDK".

Financial Disclosure Details - OGE Form 278e

Employment Agreements and Arrangements

Employer Or Party
Status And Terms
Washington, DC, US
Per my offer letter from SKDKnickerbocker (SKDK) in May 2018, I received the "standard benefit plan" during my employment with the firm. This standard plan included the "401k Employer Annual Safe Harbor Contribution." The next contribution will occur in the first half of 2024. As I understand it based on a conversation that I had with SKDK's HR prior to leaving the firm, I will receive a final employer safe harbor contribution at that time.

Financial Disclosure Details - OGE Form 278e

Employment Agreements and Arrangements

Employer Or Party
Status And Terms
Washington, DC, US
Per my offer letter from SKDKnickerbocker (SKDK) in May 2018, I received the "standard benefit plan" during my employment with the firm. This standard plan included the "401k Employer Annual Safe Harbor Contribution." The next contribution will occur in the first half of 2024. As I understand it based on a conversation that I had with SKDK's HR prior to leaving the firm, I will receive a final employer safe harbor contribution at that time. UPDATE as of May 2024: The deposit was made in April 2024.

Do you have information about Rachael Dussuau that is missing from this database?

Drop us a line at [email protected].